Join the Ohio Water Partnership
What is the Benefit to Your Company?
By joining the Ohio Water Partnership, you are a part of a broad, diverse coalition of dozens of businesses and organizations that are like-minded in the support of clean, affordable water. Member benefits include:
Regular e-mail updates reserved for members only
Briefings from policymakers and regulators on water policy
Your company logo represented with other members on the Ohio Water Partnership website
Engage in water policy development
Connection and networking opportunities with other, like-minded businesses
![Photo of woman working in a brewery Photo of woman working in a brewery](
What We Ask of Our Members
By joining the Ohio Water Partnership, you are a part of a broad, diverse coalition of dozens of businesses and organizations that are like-minded in the support of clean, affordable water. Member benefits include:
Spread the word of the organization with other community and corporate stakeholders
Support policy initiatives related to our mission
Advocate to your representatives the importance of sound water policy to Ohio's growth and prosperity.
Thanks to the very generous support of our funders, we are not currently fundraising.