Ohio Water Partnership

Photo of Ohio Water Partnership staff and members at launch event.

Ohio Water Partnership Officially Launches

Ohio Water Partnership Proves Water Policy is Big Business

Jump down to watch a recording of today’s launch event ↓

A coalition of Ohio’s leading businesses are banding together to support improved water quality policy in the state of Ohio. The Ohio Water Partnership is a broad-based and diverse coalition of businesses advocating for water policies, with a mission to ensure a consistent, effective and equitable approach to protecting and preserving Ohio’s natural water resources with focus on promoting Ohio’s competitive advantage in clean, safe, affordable water in all its forms across the state.

“We’re pleased to formally launch the Ohio Water Partnership today,” said Jim Samuel, Executive Director of the Ohio Water Partnership. “We’ve been working to build a strong coalition of businesses and business organizations prior to today, and we’re excited to unveil this to the entire state.”

From Fortune 500 companies to small businesses, the Ohio Water Partnership includes companies and business organizations of all sizes that recognize that the quality of Ohio’s water affects the bottom line. 

“Water is at the center of everything we do at Anheuser-Busch as a key ingredient in the beers we proudly brew,” said Kyle Topping of Anheuser Busch. “We have a long history of water stewardship and through our 2025 Sustainability Goals, we have committed to having 100% of our facilities – including our Columbus brewery – engaged in water efficiency efforts and 100% of our communities in high-stress areas having measurably improved water availability and quality by 2025. We are proud of this commitment and are always challenging ourselves to do more to reduce our environmental impact, preserve our natural resources, and be a strong partner to our communities.”

OWP members Lori Johnston, President of Paramount Health Care and John Lane, Founder of the Winking Lizard participated at the in-person launch event, while other member company representatives spoke via video including Stephanie Kromer from the Ohio Chamber of Commerce, Larry Fletcher of Lake Erie Shores & Islands and Dan Williams from Experience Columbus.

The Ohio Water Partnership’s policy objectives are consensus-driven from the member companies or member organizations of the partnership. The organization will also raise awareness and educate Ohio’s business community and elected officials regarding the importance of:

  • Eliminating harmful algae blooms
  • Increasing Ohioans’ access to clean, affordable drinking water
  • Encouraging funding for Ohio’s water infrastructure, wastewater treatment and water supply systems, stormwater and sanitary collection, storage and treatment

“Access to affordable and clean water is a challenge in many places across the globe, which is why we must do our part to reduce water consumption and implement responsible water practices everywhere,” said Harold Jones, executive vice president, Eaton Business System and Sustainability, Eaton. “At Eaton, we set annual water reduction goals, and to meet them, we focus on our largest water users and areas of high water stress. And while we have ambitious water reduction targets for our sites around the world, we must also think and act locally. Broad-based coalitions like this help to make real, impactful change and we’re pleased to be part of the solution in protecting Ohio’s rich water resources.”

The Ohio Water Partnership plans to educate legislators on the importance of Governor Mike DeWine’s H2Ohio program in the final months of the state budget process, and will continue to actively engage members of Ohio’s business community throughout the spring and summer.

Media Contact: 

Jim Samuel, Executive Director

Recording of the Ohio Water Partnership Launch Event